Register Here



Fees Early bird
Before 15.01.2025
Full registration
After 15.01.2025
Regular academic / non-academic 700 800
PhD students 600 700
Accompanying person (social programme) 170 170



  • Registration includes: coffee breaks, lunches, welcome reception and gala dinner. 
  • VAT (state tax) @24% is applicable to the above fees; exemptions may apply.


VAT exemption

If you have a European Corporate VAT number, you may be eligible for VAT Tax exemption. Please follow the process below in order for MAICH Conference Centre to check if your company/institution is eligible to tax deduction:

Please choose as Method of payment  the ‘Bank transfer’ (e.g. not credit card). Insert all required data for issuing an invoice, and do not proceed with the payment.

We will notify you if you are eligible for VAT exemption and will provide instructions on how to proceed.

Please note that paid VAT Tax cannot be returned retrospectively.

Cancellation and Refund Policy